
Friday, August 9, 2013

This Summer

Wow, has it been a busy summer!  In some ways, we're having the first-summer-in-our-farmhouse-summer that we thought we would have last year, before our lives spiraled totally out of control.  We are, of course, minus one child and plus one baby from this time a year ago, but besides the obvious family upheaval both those facts create, we're just kind of taking it easy. 

Baby K - Our Little Farmer
Daddy is home all the time in the summer, which is beyond cool (I really like that guy), and we've started a handful of household and yard projects that should hopefully be finished by this fall....or maybe next fall....or at least some fall (fingers crossed).  We've also planted a garden, learned that gardens should be fertilized and weeded and that you shouldn't procrastinate when planting a garden, done a little school, taken several day trips to zoos and whatnot, and spent lots of time outside.  Baby A is a joy and is growing like the weeds in our garden, and Baby K (who is two-and-a-half and insists that he is still Mama's "big baby") is wreaking general adorable havoc on our lives as the first baby in our family to have read the book on terrible twos. 

Happy Baby!!!
I would say we've adjusted to our new normal...or at least as normal as this family gets. 

And me?  I have good days and bad.  Days when I would like to skip the step of pulling out my hair and jump right to shaving my head bald, and days when I know that I'm the most blessed girl there ever has been.  I've had tons of fun this summer, and days full of sadness.  Life is kinda like that for me.  Black and white.  Beautiful or ugly.  Headed in the right direction or falling apart.  God's working on me with that, reminding me that my happiness lies in Him and not in life's circumstances.  But hey, I'm a work in progress.  Thank goodness, too.  I would never be content to be this me for the rest of my life. 

This me is super busy, super tired (and periodically ornery), and has spent the entire summer losing the same five pounds over and over again.  At least I've kept up-to-date on my blog, though.  Wait.  That's not true.  What I meant to say was, at least I haven't wasted my writing time each day playing Candy Crush.

Wait.  Maybe I have.

See?  Work in progress, baby.  Work in progress.

Please pray for us this month!  We are headed out fairly soon to see Mr. J, this time as a family.  He has continued to make progress at his school, and sounds really excited to see us!  Pray that God does miraculous things during this visit in the way of healing, and that He ties our heartstrings together as only He can do.  God has been amazing and ever-present in this whole situation, and we know He will continue to do great things!  Thanks for praying with us!

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