
The Dirt on Me

The Facts

I just celebrated the 4th anniversary of my 29th birthday.

My spectacular husband and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary in May.  The first 4 years of our marriage left something to be desired, but the last 7 have been profoundly beautiful.

We have 5 (yes… 1,2,3,4,5) children, all acquired one way or another within 5 (yes…1,2,3,4,5) years.  AND, baby #6 is making his debut in January 2013!

We have 4 cats.  That’s down from 6, but still….we have 4 cats.

In May, my hubby moved me into the farmhouse of my dreams.  Well, it's actually the farmhouse of my dreams covered in tons of horrid 1980's floral wallpaper.  But someday, when we find the spare time and money...

The Fun
I moo at cows when I drive past them.  My kids love it, but the truth is….I did it before I had kids.
I’m the only mom I know who gets dragged out of the petting zoo by her children, not vice versa.
I scrapbook while watching “The Gospel of John”.  Frequently.  And I hope that counts as Bible reading.
My favorite joke is ‘What do you call a cow with no legs?’  The answer?  Ground Beef!  I’m embarrassed to admit that I’m laughing right now.
I’m known to spontaneously break into song.  About anything.  Like bananas.  Or diaper changes.  Or Oklahoma.

The Free Time
Music.  Singing, songwriting, performing.  I’m a chronic harmonizer, and I play a mean tambourine.
Writing.  More recently, blogging.
Photography.  Spent nine pre-child years as a portrait photographer.  Not much time now, but I’m still a photo snob.
Reading.  I devour books.  Good ones, I’ll read over and over again.
Scrapbooking.  I’m so far behind that I’ll never catch up, but each page is a work of art.

The Failures
Impulsive anger.  Tough when you’re raising kids with RAD.
Selfishness.  Me me me me me me me.  I so want to be a better servant.
Pride.  We’re working on this one, but I’m prone to periodic relapses.
Laziness.  Remember “The Gospel of John”?  Pretty typical.
Self-sufficiency.  Why would anyone try to run their own life when the Creator of the universe has offered to do it for them?  I have yet to understand it myself.

The Freedom
I love Jesus.
I am saved by His grace.
Jesus is the hope for my family.
Jesus is the foundation of my marriage.
Jesus is the center of my life and the reason I will overcome myself.